8th November 2018

Reading Logs

Losing It

April 2018, North and South mag

Brief outline of plot

This article is about a middle aged mother telling her journey through her weight loss surgery; as she says “from coming out of the wilderness to the other side”.

What was your response to the text?

Personally by the time I had read the whole article I could tell that this woman was getting this surgery for the right reasons. It kind of made me sad because she tried all of these different varieties of diets and ways to lose weight but she just couldn’t lose it. But in the end I was extremely happy that now she wont go back to her ways of eating sweet and fatty foods.

What made you feel this way?

I think I felt this way because she really tried to make a difference in her weight many of times and by the end of trying all those diets surgery seemed to be her last option. But she mostly did everything to keep on track and for her surgery to go safely and as planned.

Why did the character interest you?

Now days you see “fat” “overweight” people everywhere is kinda become the “norm”. But that’s only because most if our lives people have thought there should only be one size “skinny” “small”, so when people see fat people it’s like oh wow look how fat she or he is. But now in this generation it has become quite a bit normal to see overweight people. Which links in with this woman because she knew she was nearing obese but unlike so many other people she actually tried and she tried to make a change to her lifestyle and her ways of doing things. She just showed me of you really set your mind to it and try your hardest you can accomplish something that you have always wanted to.

What did you learn?

To not judge a book by it’s cover. Yes this woman was fat but she was trying to change that and the way in which people looked at her. It just takes time to lose weight and to feel good about yourself.

How did an event or character help you learn this?

She just explained her situation fully. She didn’t just write her story as everything went well, she told her story true throughout which I felt was awesome because people try to change their real life experiences to make them sound better for other people.

Was this title a good one?

Personally I think it was because she was losing it. Losing it mentally and physically. Mentally with everyone telling her that shes not fat and then also walking past a restaurant or a place full of people and had to suck in her stomach. All that hate from other people and her inner hate would just be building up and telling herself that she’s not worth to be here on earth as a person. Physically losing it I personally think it is that she’s going to be losing her weight, shedding her old skin and becoming a whole new and different person.

Overall this article got to me a bit because I’m self conscious of my body and even though I think I fat considering other scenarios I’m not, but there’s just always the voice in my head telling me theses bad things and even though I try to forget it and just be confident that voice will always be there. But I’m working on it and I’m becoming more in love with my body “don’t forget to fall in love with you first”.

Wonder, written by R.J Palacio

Brief outline of plot

This story is about a young boy called August who is a 10 year old boy that had had 21 surgeries since he was born. 1 in 4 million people will get this disease (Treacher Collins Syndrome) it’s still fairly new and doctors are still coming up with cures. This is auggie’s story as he goes from being home school to interacting with completely new people and the whole idea of school.

What was your response to the text?

I was quite touched by this book as August keeped his head high and faced his fears when it came to people judging him. It made me happy because it made me think about all the challenges that he had and he still went on with life and mad the most of it and that’s what i need to do when something brings me down. This book also made me feel quite sad because he was only a kid and had had 21 surgeries, that’s just crazy to think of and i just don’t know how he got through it. It’s a really eye opening and touching story.

What made you feel this way?

I think i felt this way because i could never see myself going through those situations let alone a boy his age. It’s hard to grow up these days with bullies and judgemental people and when your just a slightly bit different people do notice and not normally for the best reasons.

Why did the character interest you?

Auggie interested me because as I grew up and now to this day I get bullied because of what I look like. Because i’m not like everyone else. Because i don’t look like everyone else. And that’s hard because all anyone wants is to feel accepted and to be able to fit in. but yeah nowadays there are groups and all that to help but it depends on what situation you are in because telling someone and getting them to help isn’t necessarily the best options because then they bullies know that it’s getting into, so you just have to consider the situations and in Auggies point of view he didn’t want to tell anyone that whom he thought was his best friend was talking bad about him because it hurts knowing that other people talk about you behind their backs.

What did you learn?

From this story i learnt that if things are going the way they should be you need to stand up for yourself, and that you are awesome, you are special and yes you are different because no one is that same and we shouldn’t have to try be someone that where not. People love you for yourself and if they don’t like that well then your better of with out then ad their missing out.

How did an event or character help you learn this?

Nearing the end at Augusts graduation he won a prize. He stood up on that stage and everyone in that gym stood up and clapped and where smiling because he was himself throughout his school year and didn’t let any one in his school and their teachers change him. Even Though times got hard for August he just took it in a carried on and for someone his age i really took that with open eyes.

Personal response

As i’ve grown up in this century I can tell that the bullying rate keeps getting higher and higher. I am one whom should know, almost everyday when I was younger and to this day I have been bullied because of the way I look. And yes we are all told to go tell someone but then that adds to the bullying because they always find out that you dobbed, and secondly your told to ignore it but quite frankly that only last for a short amount of time until you just want to burst out and punch something. Now days bullying not only puts a major strain on people’s confidence and self worth it also puts a strain on their potential as these people are constantly putting them and and making them feel worthless. It’s hard because from my experiences i’ve gone to the teacher the first time and then have been caught out and from then on not only has the bullying become harder to handle but puts a strain on my outside school life. As i am now older it is somewhat easier to control these emotions and I know if I don’t feed them back hate and negativity they will get bored and eventually move past me. “Be thankful for the struggles you go through. They make you stronger and wiser. Don’t let them break you. Let them make you”.

I am not Esther

Brief outline of plot

Kirby Greenland is perfectly happy with the life she is living. Sure she could probably think of better things to do, than follow after her mother and making sure she pays bills and does laundry, but all in all she’s happy. Kirby’s life is turned upside down when her mother tells her that she is going to live with her uncle while she goes to Africa as a nurse….

What was your response to the text?

Personally I loved this book because when I read it I feel like i’m in the story. Throughout kirby shows her strength to find out what has happened to her mum and to where she has gone. As she goes into a complete new world it takes her a while to apart to the strange differences as it would someone else. I just loved how she became a better person and started to think of others before she did something unholy again. 10/10 I love this book and it’s series. For this to make sense this is what the rule is: “The Rule encompasses small things, such as no one is allowed to use contractions when they speak or do anything for fun or relaxation. The Rule also reigns over big things. Women must wear clothing that covers all the skin and braid their hair, the questioning of authority and higher education are not allowed, and everyone must be kept away from the world and only focused on God, so no TV or radio. Kirby realizes that the Rule extends out even further. Women’s role is to stay home and have as many children as possible, so as soon as she turns sixteen, she will be forced to marry a boy of her Uncle Caleb’s choosing.

What made you feel this way?

I think I feel this way because if I was in her situation I would probably do the same things that she did and act the same way. Kirby’s old life she was aloud to do pretty much what she wanted but now under her uncles supervision, there’s a rule that they can’t use contractions (tv, radio, newspaper, phones, mirrors), Kirby must also only wear long, modest clothing.

Why did the character interest you?

Daniel Pilgrim interested me because he knew some of the behind the scenes and then he also was struggling with the decision to leave his family and get better education. This was hard for him to decide because he had grown up with his family and being religious and having to choose his family or his career.

What did you learn?

I learnt that even if you grow up in a religious family sometimes you want to experience a life for yourself. Even though your in a tight sticky situation you can work your way out and gain a better come

How did an event or character help you learn this?

Throughout this whole book it help me learn this because it wasn’t just one time that Daniel brought out moments of wanting to live in the real world. But nearling th end of the book this situation became more prominent and apparent and Daniel started putting his dreams and needs first.

Personal response

On a personal level this book relates to me when I moved from Alexandra to Wanaka. Because I didn’t know anyone and it was completely different from my old school. Like Kirby i didn’t know anyone I started to rebel because situations where just completely different, it’s hard to leave a place that you grew up in you know pretty much know everyone and everything, it’s hard especially in your teenage years. You have to learn to adapt and if you don’t they your path will soon show it’s way.

“The Bogey Beast” by Flora Annie Steel

Brief outline of plot

A woman finds a pot of treasure on the road while she is returning from work. Delighted with her luck, she decides to keep it. As she is taking it home, it keeps changing. However, her enthusiasm refuses to fade away.

What was your response to the text?

The first time I was completely confused what this short story was even about, I had to read it two times to get my head around it. It’s all about good luck and a bogey beast. This short story was not one of my favourites but it’s good to read something different. I would probably say for younger children it might not suit their reading level as it’s kinda tricky to get the gist.

What made you feel this way?

This short story was nothing that I had ever read before, it was confusing for me so I couldn’t see how a child could read it. I don’t really recommend it to anyone sadly.

Why did the character interest you?

I don’t know if the granny was delusional or just honestly I don’t know. She was an old woman who was very cheerful yet she was old, poor and lonely.

What did you learn?

That I should broaden my short stories as maybe then I would be able to understand more clearly and  have a more open opinion on this story. With this hortatory I learnet even when you get something worth a lot don’t make a big deal about it and or cherious it or share it with other to spread the happiness.

Personal response

Overall this short story is just set on how being rich isn’t such a good thing and when you have a good thing cherish it for a bit and don’t take things for granted.

After You, written by Julie Buxbaum

(Sorry this one is layed out different his was the first one I did before I found the template.)

Main characters: Ellie, Sophie, Greg, Lucy,

Other characters involved are: allies husband Philip, Ellie’s mother, father, brother Mikie, also sophist teacher Claire.

The story is told through the eyes of Ellie, basically Ellie and Lucy have been bfs since they were 4 years old, they are both fully grown and in their mid thirties both are married and Lucy has one child sophie. Lucy lost her child when she was pregnant not quite full term.

The first chapter starts with the death of Lucy and Ellie who lives in America, then flies to London to help greg and sophie her god daughter. Sophie witnessed the murder of her own mum and has stopped talking. Ellie feels as god mother and her best friends daughter it is her role to help sophie and greg get through this difficult time which comes at the expense of her own marriage. She’s spends 4 and a half months helping sophie with all her day to day routines and starts feeling lost and unsure what she should be doing with her life. Even though Ellie and Lucy have been bfs for years Ellie was a littlest jealous of what she thought was Lucy’s perfect life. But learns not all was as it appeared, Lucy was intact having an affair and about to leave her husband greg and daughter sophie and move to Paris. Something which Ellie does not understand at all. Sophie is a very intelligent young girl who turns nine during the story. A key part of Sophie’s recovery is a book which Ellie reads to her each night and sophie slowly learns to open up and start talking again, the book is called the secret garden.

This come to a head with Ellie and her husband Phillip who asks for a divorce while she is in London looking after sophie. Things weren’t flash to start with, their marriage especially after their loss of their baby boy (Oliver) years ago. Phillip came to visit Ellie in London just before sophist birthday and spent the night with Ellie who then became pregnant. This put Ellie into a talespin as she was so worried about losing another baby.

In the end sophie has stopped having nightmares at night, and wetting her bed. Ellie now feels comfortable to return home to America and tell Philip she’s pregnant and try to save her marriage.

This book was a sad story but showed how strong people can be and grow even after terrible things have happened. In the end there is a positive and happy ending with ellie and Philip getting back together and looking forward to the hopefully safe arrival of their baby, it shows that greg has put his daughter first and has changed his job hours, sold the house which reminded them both of Lucy’s passing.

This book made me feel, really feel for Ellie. Most of us all know what it’s like for a loved one to pass away it’s gut wrenching to say the least. Sleepless nights, tears pouring out like theres no tomorrow and their isn’t a book out there or anything that can fully understand your pain that your going through. This book shows and tells you that even after something terrible has happened that their is always a bright side and if you work hard to slowly ease the pain you will overcome the pain; it’s not forgetting them it’s just remembering the good parts “Losing some close isn’t easy but losing yourself is worse”

The Three Little Pigs

Brief outline of plot

Once upon a time there was an old mother pig who had three little pigs and not enough food to feed them. So when they were old enough, she sent them out into the world to seek their fortunes.

What was your response to the text?

I remember this story from when I was little but now that I read it again it’s quite violent for little kids to read but a good outcome for the three little pigs.

What made you feel this way?

Because firstly the wolf was being a bully and then the wolf tired to eat all three of them and then they cooked them up and ate him.

What did you learn?

That you shouldn’t do things just to get them over and done with, you should do things to the best of your ability.

Personal response

I mean it’s a childhood story that I used to hear all the time so I do like it but for children these days maybe need to change. But i’m sure that this story is mostly about getting the reader to understand that you should do things to the best of your ability. Just don’t stoop down to your siblings levels be yourself and try your best.

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